The American Business Women's Association (ABWA) provides opportunities for college scholarships, leadership, professional development, and education from seminars and conferences. ABWA was founded in 1949 by Hilary A. Bufton in Kansas City, Missouri. Since then, ABWA has provided vocational skills and career development training for more than 545,000 members in over 1,400 chapters, express networks, and regional councils nationwide.
The Eastern Michigan Council (EMC) of ABWA is comprised of eight chapters throughout Michigan. The council programs are designed to help members and leagues grow personally and professionally. We focus on ways to help chapters retain current members while gaining new ones, fundraising ideas, ABWA educational information, and business-relevant speakers. EMC became a registered council in 1997. The charter officers were President Linda Angus, Vice President Donna Lee, Secretary Mary Ann Steele, and Treasurer Carolyn Beam.
American Business Women's Association
Eastern Michigan Council
The goals of the Councils are to enhance and support the mission of the Association and its Chapters and Express Networks; to support and improve the earning power of all members; advance working women by providing them with opportunities for professional development and facilitating the exchange of ideas and information among the Chapters and Express Networks in their areas and provide enrichment opportunities for area members. Councils serve as a conduit for information between local Chapters and Express Networks and venues for face-to-face connections between members affiliated with the Chapters and Express Networks that have membership in the Council.
EMC generally meets bi-monthly with meetings hosted by chapters within the council. Special events include the Woman of the Year, Top 10 Nominee, and Protégé Celebration in September and the DVP Luncheon in July. Visit our Meetings page for the latest updates/changes: https://www.abwa-emc.org/meetings

ABWA National Mission
The mission of the American Business Women’s Association is to bring together business women of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support and national recognition.
EMC Mission
The Eastern Michigan Council (EMC) is composed of local leagues of the American Business Women's Association. We provide opportunities for leadership development, facilitating member success through recognition, mentoring, coaching, and preparing candidates for National board offices.

ABWA Proud Code of Conduct
The Proud Code of Conduct was developed as a means of guiding all members in making ethical decisions. The broad statements outlined in the Proud Code of Conduct are not expected to cover all conduct for all situations. This is why the Proud Code of Conduct was created as a living and fluid code.
• As an ABWA member, I will serve as a goodwill Ambassador for the American Business Women’s Association.
• As an ABWA member, I will adhere to the Association’s Bylaws and comply with the Association’s Brand Guidelines.
• As an ABWA member, I will not use my personal power or influence to advance my own interests.
• As an ABWA member, I will not allow my personal beliefs or convictions to alienate other members, prospective members, and sponsors at any level of the ABWA organization (local, regional or national).
• As an ABWA member, I will always treat member colleagues, the ABWA National Team, guests, speakers, vendors and sponsors with dignity and respect.

Core Values
ABWA’s core values are the foundation for which the American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) was founded on in 1949. They’re reflective of the ethos of ABWA’s culture, and have been integral to creating an enduring and supportive community for generations of women in the workplace.
1. Selfless Leadership – Be committed to doing the right thing, always. Be transparent in your actions even when no one is looking!
2. Building Community – Be committed to creating sustainable ABWA communities where women can connect, learn, and grow together.
3. Value and Seek Diversity – Be committed to recruiting new members from diverse cultures, work industries and experiences.
4. Manage for Innovation and Excellence – Be committed to original thinking and delivering excellence in everything you do.
5. Lifelong Learning – Be committed to enhancing your own business knowledge, skills, and acumen. Be unafraid to make mistakes, iterate, err and try again.
6. Focus on Facts and Own the Results – Be committed to using “data” to drive your decisions and actions, and be accountable for your performance, good and bad.
7. Choose to Make a Difference – Be committed to unlocking a member’s potential and inspiring/ motivating her to become the best version of herself.
8. Celebrate – Be committed to celebrating members’ achievements.